Friday, August 31, 2018

First Week of School

"I am the luckiest teacher ever!".  Did your children tell you that I told them that several times this week?  Did they tell you I called other teachers in their classrooms to share that amazing news?  Did they tell you I told Mr. Coon? It is true.  I am the luckiest teacher ever.

We have had a great start in room 14!  I am very grateful for this wonderful group of students who have worked hard in the heat, and the long days, to be a kind group together.  They are fun and I see many strengths in each of them, and collectively, already.

Thank you to all the families who visited our classroom at Open House on August 27.  I appreciated the chance to meet and make a connection before starting our journey together this year.  Also, your UDL projects have been an engaging way for me to be introduced to your children.  I have thoroughly enjoyed reviewing poems, pamphlets, lists, essays, videos, photographs, etc...they are so thoughtful and creative!  Thank you also for your very helpful donations; it's amazing how many wipes we use in 2nd grade keeping ourselves and our materials clean!

This week we have been busy getting to know each other and establishing our class norms along with building routines and relationships.  We have been working hard to answer and demonstrate what it looks like and sounds like to be Respectful, Mindful and Cooperative throughout our day.  Did you know we earned a total of 250 Marky Marks during the first 3 days?  I'm sure our first class celebration will be coming soon!  More specifically, you can ask your child about:
  • Growing our brains in math by solving mazes, seeing numbers within dot pattern quantities and making pictographs of opposite qualities.
  • Our read aloud picture books to help build community:  Mary Wore Her Red DressMe First!, First Day Jitters, Giraffes Can't Dance, Chrysanthemum, Wednesday Surprise, Recess Queen and My Teacher's Secret Life.
  • Playing different TAG games outside with all 4 second grade classes.
  • Making models of our "best" drawn person and our "best" written name.
  • Attending our creative arts classes for the first time.
  • The STEM "Paper Chain Challenge" where we worked in teams to create a paper chain for our classroom.  Our chain totaled 80 links and measured 1021 cm in length!
Please note that we will have our first field trip on Friday, September 14 to Oakledge Park to celebrate International Dot Day as a whole 2nd grade.  We will leave school at 8:45 am and return to school in time for the early release dismissal at 12:30 pm.  This does include eating a bag lunch at Oakledge Park.  More specific information will be coming soon.  Chaperones are not needed at this time for this trip.

Enjoy the 3 day weekend with your families.
Steph Hockenbury

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