Friday, February 22, 2019

Writing, Painting and Cheering, Oh My!
Week #24 February 18-22, 2019

Go Cats Go!  We had a great time Wednesday watching the UVM Women's Basketball Team defeat the UMBC Retrievers 58-50.  All of 2nd grade was a fantastic audience!  We enjoyed snacks from Mr. Coon, activity packets from the UVM team, our bag lunches, quick entertainment game shows during time outs, and a Zumba dance-along during halftime.

This week with our opinion writing, we focused on writing to appeal to the audience's perspective.  We used a few mentor texts to inspire our writing.  We enjoyed, The Big Bed, and Hey, Little Ant. We worked hard to consider someone else's point of view and to write them a counter argument.  We were all able to write drafts of 2 different opinion letters so we can continue the writing process with these pieces when we return to school in March.

Our geography unit will close with a state float parade!  We have painted our state floats and we are researching about our states.  We will complete our float creation and assembly during the three days we return from vacation.  Our parade will be on Monday, March 11th at approximately 10:15.  You are welcome to join us.  We will also video it and upload the link.
Other things to ask your child about this week:

  • Measuring with yardsticks and measuring tapes
  • Telling time to the nearest 5 minutes
  • 2nd grade celebration movie afternoon
  • Guidance lesson with Mrs. Wheeler reading The Invisible Boy
  • Our final skiing session in PE
Enjoy this time with your family and I look forward to seeing everyone in March.
Mrs. Hock

Friday, February 15, 2019

Sweet Happenings!
Week #23 February 11-15,  2019

We had a wonderful start to our day on Valentine's Day!  The students were very sweet as they politely and excitedly exchanged valentines before enjoying breakfast together.  Thank you to all families who contributed items and thank you to our chefs:  Mrs. Pels, Mr. Goudey, Mrs. Trombley, Mrs. Olesky and Mrs. Januszczyk.  I really appreciate all the efforts to help it run so smoothly!  The students had no idea we blew a fuse!  They happily and quietly ate and also enjoyed valentine puzzles & coloring together.  The rest of our day was just as lovely too.

We had a Farm-to-School lesson with Miss Meg this week that culminated in us enjoying some sweetened (with Nurse Cannon's maple syrup) mint tea.  The focus was on spearmint and peppermint herbs.  We learned about herbal infusion versus decoction.  Miss Meg also led us through a relaxation exercise while the tea steeped.

Next week features a few fun events...

  • MONDAY:  Whole-school celebration of "SPORTS DAY" and painting for the start of our final states project
  • WEDNESDAY:  Field trip to UVM women's basketball game.  Every student will need a bag lunch.  Wear green & gold!

 Other things to ask your child about this week:

  • writing opinion letters
  • beginning our state research
  • estimating and measuring
  • a lesson on empathy with Mrs. Wheeler
Thank you for all you do!
Mrs. Hock

Friday, February 8, 2019

Measurements and Maps!
Week #22 February 4-8, 2019

This week we began our measurement unit by using non-standard tools to measure objects in our classroom and around the school.  Measurements were first determined using body parts and by using our own feet, we quickly learned that since everyone had different sized feet, we needed one standard foot to use.  We used "a teacher foot", "a yard" (using the approximate length from our nose to our out-stretched finger tip), and "an inch" (using our knuckles and tiles).  Next week, we'll move to standard tools using rulers and yardsticks.

Our map work has been exciting as we've been reading different types of maps of the United States to help us meet the following geography standards: 

  1. Use maps to describe places, relationships & interactions.
  2. Use maps to identify environmental characteristics of places.  
Students have analyzed and reasoned about political maps and physical maps, and connected them to maps of our 58 National Parks and Time Zones.

Thank you to Elvin for sharing Chinese New Year with us!  Elvin brought in a lucky red envelope filled with chocolate gold coins for each student.  What a fortunate way for us to begin the Year of the Pig!
Thank you also to Mrs. Clark, Henry's grandmother, who visited to share more of her knowledge of Japan.  This time we learned about a typical day for a Japanese student and how to write, and say, the numbers 1-10.

We are looking forward to our Valentine's Day celebration next week.  Thank you to families who are contributing items for our pancake breakfast Thursday morning.

Send in those boxes!  We are collecting the boxes (and lids) that hold reams of photocopy paper.  If you have any at home or work, please send them in.  We'll need one box for each student.
Image result for photocopy paper box
Other things to ask your child about this week:

  • Writing letters about our favorite books or characters
  • Fractional parts of flags on our calendar pieces
  • Flat Stanley arrivals from New York, Indiana and Florida
  • The 50 States Song, and The Fifty Nifty United States
  • Four Corners during morning meeting
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs. Hock

Friday, February 1, 2019

We Are Writers!
Week #21 January 28-February 1, 2019

Writing was a highlight this week!  We finished our non-fiction unit with a Publishing Party on Monday.  We also completed a district-wide writing prompt, and started a unit on opinion writing by writing about our favorite characters and our favorite scenes in our favorite book.  On Friday, we celebrated Vermont Writes Day as part of The Young Writer's Project to "drop everything and write".  The Publishing Party was a wonderful celebration of our hard work and creativity.  We joined Mrs. Belisle's class and were able to read each other's books as well as write feedback to the author as a "Publishing Party Positive".  Our feedback was based on reviewing the author's lead, ending, organization, detail and spelling/punctuation.  Oh, and we had pops too.  What a treat!  Here are a few pictures of our event.

We've received mail!  Six Flat Stanleys have returned along with 3 postcards from 2nd grade classrooms in Pennsylvania, California and Arizona.  How exciting!  This is an amazing way to support our learning of US Geography as we learn about the states our Flat Stanleys have visited.  The postcards are part of a project where we exchange a post card with a 2nd grade classroom in each of the other 49 states.  We were busy this week writing our fun facts about Vermont to mail on post cards to our 2nd grade pen pals.  Here we are with our returned Flat Stanleys.

I have a fun culminating project planned for the end of our US geography unit.  We'll need a box for each student.  The box needed is the box that holds reams of photocopy paper like this:
Image result for box of reams of photocopy paper
If you have access to any, at home or work, please save them and send them in to school when you can.  Both the bottom and top of the box will be used.  Fun times ahead!

We will have a pancake breakfast to celebrate Valentine's Day together.  Thank you to families who have already signed up to contribute to this event.  A class list went home today in Take Home Folders for your child to reference for making Valentine cards.

Other things to ask your child about this week:
*decomposing (splitting) numbers to add
*Susan Laughs with Mrs. Wheeler
*Whole-school assembly led by Kindergarten
*GoNoodle exercise breaks and mindfulness
*Mercy Watson

Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs. Hock