Sunday, March 15, 2020

Week #26 March 9-13, 2020

We began a lot of new learning this week as we started new units in reading, writing, math and science.

Our science unit is about structure and properties of matter.  This week we focused on describing and classifying different kinds of materials by observable properties.  We defined matter and then investigated solids, liquids and gases more specifically.  We classified, not sorted, objects by texture, hardness and flexibility.  Our week's work culminated with our investigation of solids, liquids and gases in balloons--yes, balloons! We observed & described the 3 states of matter in the balloons, hypothesized what would happen when we popped the balloon, and then gathered evidence on the "popped balloon matter".  As scientists, the class was safe and collaborative, and had fun too!

Our opinion writing unit began with writing letters about our favorite books or characters.  By the end of the week we were using a checklist to check our writing for leads, opinions, examples & evidence, transition words, endings, attention to audience, and punctuation/spelling.  Next week, we'll use mentor texts to inspire our letter writing on various topics and try different craft techniques to enhance opinion writing.

Our reading unit focuses on summarizing our reading as we use the following language for sentence starters to eventually guide our writing of summaries (In the beginning, Then, Next, After that, In the end...).  We used picture books as shared reading to practice orally summarizing these stories "across our hands" using each finger for each sentence starter.  We will use these summarizing techniques in our reading groups as well.

We are using tools to measure in math.  This is the first year young mathematicians are expected to estimate and measure in standard units.  We are measuring length with inches and feet, and also comparing the measurement to the size of the unit used.

We celebrated Pi Day as close to March 14 (ie: 3.14) as we could on March 13 by engaging in math art related to Pi.  We read Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi as we learned about the circumference of all circles being just over 3 times the length of its diameter.

Other things to ask your child about this week:

  • a guidance lesson with Ms. Amblo about our hearts and words we use
  • How Big is a Foot? and inch worm rulers
  • saying "Hello" in different languages
  • Vowel Team Task Force Manual
  • Gratitude Journals
Thank you for all you do!
Mrs. Hock

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