Friday, November 15, 2019

Week #12 November 11-15, 2019

What an exciting week we had!  Our featured work connected to World Geography Week, we celebrated World Kindness Day, and we shared our published narrative writing; all while weathering a snow day, a guest teacher and an early release "zigzag" schedule.  Most importantly, I want to share that we received very positive feedback from other teachers in our building this week.  1) Ms. Wood, our music student teacher, was gushing about our class's behavior and support as she taught music class this week (in front of her professor) without a voice! 2) At lunch, Miss KiKi said our entire class was "special" because of how quiet and calm we were in the cafeteria.  3) Our guest teacher wrote a note describing how "fantastic" our class was with her on Thursday.  This is all great news! I appreciate how the students are showing their kindness and collaborative care for others outside of our work together.

World Geography Week: (November 10-16, 2019)
On Wednesday, GIS Day (Geographic Information Systems), we worked with a Geospatial Technology Specialist to GIS our playground.  Amy Haas, from VHB, Inc., visited all of 2nd grade to share how she uses mapping and technology in her profession.  She gathers environmental data in the field to then generate GIS of an area.  We used an app to capture the data and viewed our GIS online.  All students received a certificate and copy of our map we made.  We also completed our globes.  Next week, we'll focus on landforms and bodies of water in The Champlain Valley.

We enjoyed reading excerpts from our published writing during our "Cider Celebration Share".  It was a nice way to toast our first extended piece of writing.  This narrative writing unit allowed us to write over pages, try craft moves and revise for new leads.  We also started our new writing unit which is a brief tour of writing types and purposes.  Thank you to families who sent in samples of "real life" writing.  We made lists and how-tos this week.  We'll also explore signs, cards & letters and messages.

Other things to ask your child about this week:
*Appreciation Station
*Measuring with unifix cubes and popsicle sticks (non standard units)
*How and why to color a mandala
*Those Darn Squirrels!

Enjoy the weekend!
Mrs. Hock

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