We have a lot to celebrate at the end of week 2! We have earned a total of 374 Marky Marks filling our bin. Our first celebration will be Monday, 9/9 and we will be making slime. We even called a teacher on the "Marky Mark Committee" to share our news. Fun times to honor our hard work together.
Here are some other highlights from this week:
We learned:
- 3 new math games: Race to the Top, Empty the Box and Target.
- to be mindful by listening to different tools with different sounds (chime, rain stick, singing bowl and talking stick).
- Our system for using the Peace Place after reading Anh's Anger.
We experienced:
- school pictures, a whole-school assembly hosted by grade 5 and a grade-level orientation to review R-M-C-S on the bus.
- "All About Me" share from Mrs. Hock, Lucius, Lydia and Elliott.
- The start of our Number Corner skills work for the month with ways to make 20, an introduction to clocks, odd/even (impares/pares) and counting by tens.
- creating a class book, "______ is my name. ______ is my game."
- A quick sort of statements as either Fixed Mindset or Growth Mindset.
- Using watercolors to create a painting related to the book, A Spot of Kindness.
- The district-wide fall 2nd grade spelling assessment.
Other things to ask your child about:
- Our rights and responsibilities as students in our classroom and Howard B. Wigglebottom.
- "Repeated Reading" Folders
- My Name is Elizabeth
Enjoy the weekend!
Mrs. Hock
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