Friday, January 18, 2019

A Week Full of Guests
Week #19 January 14-19, 2019

This week we enjoyed many special moments with guests along with productive work times.

Mrs. Hock's family (Grandma Judy, Grandpa Jerry, Nana and Ryan) came one afternoon to help us make "kindness cards".  We used the technique of iris paper folding to make a special card.  Grandma Judy taught us this art from Holland that uses color coordinated strips of folded paper taped over a pattern.  This creates a spiraling design that resembles the iris of an eye or camera.  Students chose to make a heart, an apple or a fish.

We also enjoyed a very informative Hands-on-Nature lesson with Henry, Ellie and Susie's moms.  We learned about winter habitats and how animals survive in the winter.  We were able to watch a puppet show, conduct an investigation about insulation and create a mouse habitat.  Thank you Anna, Victoria and Erin!

The Student Justice Union from SBHS came on Thursday to lead a presentation about peace inspired by Martin Luther King, Jr.  Using the MLK quote, "Peace is more precious than diamonds, or silver or gold.", we learned about Alfred Nobel, Henry Dunant and Martin Luther King, Jr and their peaceful efforts to take care of others.

On Friday, we attended an assembly with all of grades 1 and 2 to learn from Sam Drazin  Sam was born with facial differences and he speaks to students about how everyone has differences that are both visible and invisible.  He encouraged us to have empathy towards all people.  Here we are trying his hearing aids so we could hear how he hears.

We are improving at writing friendly letters.  We wrote letters not only to ourselves or families, but to our Flat Stanley recipients.  We had many questions about "snail mail", or postal service, as we generated letters and wrote addresses.  I hope the students enjoy receiving their own letters this weekend.

Other things to ask your child this week:
*Our online game to practice telling time:
*Guidance with Mrs. Wheeler and Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon
*Solving compare or take-away subtraction problems
*Why readers write or draw about their reading

Have a wonderful holiday weekend!
Mrs. Hock

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